A really fun moment happened on Fox News moments ago. Just before Fox News hosts Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier went to commercial, they caught video of Bernie Sanders shooting a basketball with his grandkids, but he was making all his shots!
Baier: As we head to break, take a look at this video...bernie Sanders...he is playing hoops with his two adult sons and seven grand kids..
Kelly: Pretty good.
Baier: This is the 74 year old Vermont Senator, he's getting ready to give a big victory speech tonight. He's making making some shots there.
Kelly: Is this like some kind of a joke? How is he making every single one?
Williams: He's from Brooklyn.
Kelly: Nicely done, Bern.
Baier: Better than Obama on the basketball court.
Did you ever think you'd see this on Fox News?

As I was finishing this post, Ezra Klein tweeted the same thing I saw.
Fox News just showed a clip of Bernie Sanders sinking like 6 baskets in a row
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) February 10, 2016