The Fox 'News' legal analyst, Peter Johnson Jr., is tasked with explaining the math with regards to the number of delegates needed for each party's best candidate to garner the nomination. Johnson, with his hilarious doubly funny name, is playing the both sides card. He equates the 'establishment' GOP's disavowal of Trump as the same affront to Bernie Sanders because of the existence of Democratic superdelegates.
Suddenly, Fox 'News' is on the side of the commoner? This could be because of a Trump inevitability, Johnson is now denigrating the idea of billionaires controlling the Republican Party and sideswiping the will of the people in a brokered RNC convention this Summer. After all, if you want to know what Roger Ailes is thinking, just listen to his legal mouthpiece, Peter Johnson Jr. Initially resisting a Trump-as-nominee scenario, Johnson Jr. has warmed up to the Trump voter; you know the type: the people who punch Black protesters in the face at a Klan Trump Rally. The GOP's establishment billionaires have spent $27.5 million in ads against Trump recently.
It is job number one to convince Fox 'News' viewers that the biggest threat to Democracy since we elected the Mooslim Kenyan Usurper is Hillary Clinton. It's Johnson's duty to portray Clinton as a surreptitious cheater who is dubiously gaining favor with Democratic superdelegates, and circumventing Democracy in the process. Speaking slowly for easier comprehension, the legal analyst says:
JOHNSON JR.: On the Democratic side, there's something called SU-PER DEL-E-GATES, meaning that these are delegates who (are) not elected in primaries or caucuses *clutches pearls*
DOOCY: So my state doesn't determine who I vote for, I'm a superdelegate, I can vote for anybody?
JOHNSON JR: Absolutely! There's 21 Governors, Democratic Governors, there's 40 U.S. Senators, Democratic Senators and there's about 150 or 160 U.S. Representatives (all elected officials, mind you). And one-seventh of the superdelegates, of which Hillary Clinton has 461 and Bernie Sanders has a paltry 25. You know who they are? They're lobbyists and former lobbyists.

Johnson is suddenly the concerned troll for Bernie Sanders, who he portrays as the people's candidate. The orders from Roger Ailes are to downplay all the populist support for Hillary Clinton, disregarding her victories as minimal accomplishments. He aims to discredit prominent party loyalists (717 superdelegates in all) who have earned a higher status in the Democratic Party. Like many Sanders supporters believe, Johnson too thinks that the system should be modified. Like their GOP counterparts, these Democratic 'elites' are thwarting the will of the people.
Since the Sanders campaign has amassed a nice war chest from hundreds of thousands of small donors, Fox 'News' (and other MSM outlets) purports that every dime donated to the Hillary campaign comes the same class of billionaire as the Republican establishment. Johnson portrays both party populists as if they stand for the exact same principles. It is asinine to compare a serious candidate like Bernie Sanders with a buffoon like Donald Trump, but Fox 'News' fans are duped fairly easily. But they can't resist it, because both sides, ya know.
Maybe Johnson is envious of the superdelegate system that was originally designed to keep outsiders, like Donald Trump, from hijacking the party. We know that the GOP's 'party elite' who appear in The National Review certainly are. They portray Sanders as a delusional, nutty Socialist. But that critique pales in comparison to the vitriol they reserve for The Donald.
In our modern political discourse, we hear a great deal of lamentation about deals made in “smoke-filled rooms,” but in fact that horse-trading led to some pretty good outcomes. Vicious demagogues such as Donald Trump and loopy fanatics such as Bernie Sanders were kept from the levers of power with a surprisingly high degree of success.
As it stands, the parties supply enormous quantities of infrastructure that can be hijacked by practically anybody, including a batty real-estate heir with a seven-word vocabulary who doesn’t know how a bill becomes a law.
Maybe the GOP will add superdelegates to their 'to-do list' after they execute that minority outreach overhaul that I'm sure will happen any day now. {hahaha} If I were Sanders, I'd be very insulted if I were compared to a gymnast who's hardly even trying her best. Fox "News" comes across as a serious, reputable and qualified news corporation, and they try to maintain this facade by portraying Sanders as the Left's populists.for a candidate like Senator Sanders to be held in the same esteem as a sociopath/narcissist like Donald Trump. The major difference between the two parties: are unmistakable: Democrats offer solutions to real problems, while Republicans not only create problems, Republicans' disavowal of government as a functioning entity makes them the least qualified for a public service job, a responsibility that has tremendous impact on innocent lives. It's time for the chickens to come home to roost, after all, it's time to gather up the troops and disavow Trickle Down Economics for good.