On April, 30, 2015. I wondered how many more times does Trey Gowdy would embarrass himself with his desperate attempts to make his committee relevant when it was revealed they were trolling for a Sean Hannity caller.
Rep. Trey Gowdy has embarrassed himself ever since he became the pitch man for the Benghazi conspiracy jackals and after made to look like a fool during Clinton's eleven hour cross examination, you'd think he'd had enough of this by now.
If you thought that, you'd be wrong because the Benghazi Select are now lowering themselves into a vat of acid. They are so desperate to save face that they are searching for a radio caller to the Sean Hannity show, who is suddenly some kind of an expert by talking with the gas guzzler of right wing propaganda. Who knew "John from Iowa" was the key to busting the Benghazi story wide open.
On June, 9th, Gowdy's committee actually interviewed the Sean Hannity caller named "John From Iowa" that they hoped would bring down the House on Hillary Clinton and save them from the repeated humiliations they have received so far.
Yesterday “John” testified before the committee and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, the committee’s Republican chairman, issued a press release trumpeting the accomplishment. However, Gowdy left out one significant detail.
Committee Democrats noted that “there is a gaping hole in the Republican press release—it completely ignores the fact that ‘John from Iowa’ provided virtually no substantive information we didn’t already have.” They continued, “To the contrary, he referred us back to the same videos the Pentagon made available to the Select Committee more than a year ago.”
The vast majority of the Republican release simply complains about not getting access to “John from Iowa” quickly enough, without noting they waited 18 months to even request the interview.
Unfortunately, "John from Iowa" had nothing to tell them that they didn't already know. After holding more hearings on Benghazi than almost any other tragic event in our history and spending millions of dollars up to this point, how sad that they relied on a talk show call in guest to help with their witch hunt.
Maybe Alex Jones has mind melded with the one true person that has all the information Gowdy needs to save his reputation?
You'll notice that there was virtually no media reporting on this story, Friday.
I wonder why?