Fox Business Network's Trish Regan interviewed Trump supporter Curt Schilling and asked him about the Access Hollywood sex tape and the "locker room talk" excuse when Schilling veered off into a different direction and the interview immediately went straight off the rails.
Schilling instead wanted to back up and discuss the reports about
Donald ogling a ten year old girl and proclaiming he'll be dating her.
Schilling began, "The conversation you're having about the things he said about the 10-year-old girl, to me, is at the very heart of why this is a problem."
Trish had no idea what was coming next.
Schilling then asked Trish Regan, "How many times — and I have three boys and a daughter — how many times have you looked at a young man and said, 'Wow, is he going to be, he's a beautiful young man. Wow, he's a gorgeous young man,' and that man was 12, 13, 14, 15?"
Regan, gave Curt a WTF look, but calmly said, "I'll be honest, Curt. Zero."
She emphasized her point by forming a zero with her hand.
Schilling shot back: "Now, see, that's a lie. There's no way you haven't seen someone else's son and said, 'Wow, he's beautiful.' "
An appalled Trish Regan said, "And thought I ought be dating him? In 10 — no, sorry. You’re alone on this one."
Schilling wouldn't be swayed and kept on this crazy topic and said "to jump to the point where you're insinuating something like pedophilia or molestation is where you're going with this."
Trish calmly replied, "I don't look at a young boy and say in ten years I'm going to date him...I just don't!" And I think that would be pretty sad if I did."
She then hit Schilling for being an idiot and said, "So you tell me you see a ten-year old girl and think, yeah, I'm gonna date her?"
As he continued trying to make his case for Trump, Regan said, "Do you need to follow that up with I'm going to date her in ten years?"
I doubt FBN host Trish Regan thought she'd be asked if she ogles underage boys with thoughts of dating them by her guest.
Many people do comment on their friends and relatives kids' appearances and will compliment them and that's very natural, but they aren't plotting to seduce them, Curt.
As Trump surrogates go, this was one of the sicker attempts to justify Donald's behavior.