October 21, 2016

At his rally earlier today, the Donald went after the one person in this campaign he should never, ever attack -- Michelle Obama, beloved First Lady.

Granted, he was trying to drive a wedge between Mrs. Obama and Hillary Clinton, but his supporters don't care about that. They just loved that he went after the First Lady, even if he didn't do so by name until the very end. Apparently Black women don't have names, even when they're the First Lady.

He began with his usual penchant for projection. "We have a bunch of babies running our country."

"They're losers, they're babies," he declared. "We have a President, all he wants to do is campaign. His wife, all she wants to do is campaign."

Which is, of course, laughable, given that she only hits the campaign trail with the greatest of reluctance and only when she feels she needs to.

Need I even comment on who the losers and babies are?

"And I see how much his wife likes Hillary. But wasn't she the one who started the statement 'If you can't take care of your home...you can't take care of the White House and your country'," he asked.

Trump is referring to an ad paid for by conservative Clinton-hater and Trump billionaire backers Robert and Rebekah Mercer.

The 30-second spot, titled, "Can’t Run Your House," airs footage taken by a local television station from Obama’s 2007 appearance in Chicago. That was the event in which she said, "One of the things, the important aspects of this race, is role modeling what good families should look like. And my view is that if you can't run your own house, you certainly can't run the White House. Can't do it."

The ad was created by Make America Number 1, a group currently headed by Rebekah Mercer, whose father, hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer, initially supported Texas Sen. Ted Cruz during the GOP primaries and then switched his support to Trump. Rebekah Mercer took over the top position at Make America Number 1 after veteran Republican strategist David Bossie left to join Trump’s campaign.

By phrasing it the way he did, Trump implies that the Obamas ran ads against Clinton attacking their family life. In reality, it was a pro-Trump group that aired the ad in question -- and that makes a big difference in how powerful a point this is.

Bottom line here is that Michelle Obama said those words, but they were framed by right-wing Clinton haters into an attack on Hillary Clinton, which is, as usual, an out-of-context quote twisted to make it look like something it wasn't.

Not that Trump supporters care about any of this. Of course they don't. It's just another opportunity to feed them some yummy red meat about the First Lady. However, for the sane voters out there, this is just another example of his opportunistic projection-style politics.

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