Republicans have got nothing.
Democrats have a consistent message. NO. You are not going to Make American Sick Again. A typical response from the floor of the House, Democratic Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (Illinois17):
I spent 10 years in my professional life working in health care both before, during, and after the Affordable Care Act passed. So let me tell you what a Republican repeal would mean. It would mean raising prescription drug costs on Illinois seniors by more than $1,000 every year by returning to the Medicare doughnut hole. Returning to the days when insurance companies could discriminate against women by charging them more than men for basic care. It would mean telling diabetics, survivors of a heart attack, or even babies with a birth defect that they aren't qualified for health care coverage because of their pre-existing condition. And it would mean denying cancer patients lifesaving care after they reached their lifetime limit on the insurance policy. Republicans have talked about repealing the Affordable Care Act for almost seven years. But they have no plan for replacement. Again and again, we have heard that repealing Obamacare will make America great again. Well, I say it will Make America Sick Again. Please let's work together and don't undermine the health of millions of Americans. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
There are endless reasons why we need the Affordable Care Act, and the only logical improvement is Single Payer Medicare for All.
If Donald Trump wants to go that route? Sure.
But Republicans are up against this issue politically. When it was impossible to do it, repealing Obamacare was a battle cry. Now that they have the power, they actually might:
1. Take away health insurance from 20 million citizens.
2. Re-open the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole," increasing prescription drug costs for many seniors by $1000 a year.
3. End drug treatment for thousands of citizens.
4. Bankrupt rural hospitals.
5. Endanger the jobs of the 1 in 9 American workers who get a paycheck from the healthcare sector.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn decided it would be cute to hold a Twitter poll on repeal. It didn't turn out the way she expected. I am showing a screenshot in case it gets taken down - the original tweet is here.

This is not going to go well for the Republican Party and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of frauds.