People are starting to catch on that the only way to reach Donald Trump is through the TV.
Last night John Oliver took that knowledge to a brilliant conclusion: Let's run ads on Fox News (and other news networks, but come on) about what TRUTH is.
He's likely to give mental whiplash to regular Fox News viewers in general, but that's just a bonus.
“Trump was telling the truth about his solutions to the problems he was lying about, and he is now making real policy based on fake facts."
So Oliver has come up with some ads that will explain to Trump what a Nuclear Triad is, how different kinds of people live in "cities," and a fun fact that tailor made for The Donald" "There are other people in the world other than yourself."
Olive0r saved some venom for Alex Jones’ Infowars and Breitbart.
“Breitbart has published such Pulitzer-eligible stories as ‘Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy,’ ‘Racist, Pro-Nazi roots of Planned Parenthood Revealed,’ and ‘Hoist It High and Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims a Glorious Heritage.’” Oliver said. “You know, the kind of headlines you see your old high school friends share on Facebook and think, Oh, that’s a shame, I guess Greg sucks now.”
Remember the fake news that Richard Gere had to have a gerbil removed from a private part of his anatomy? Because he's stuck it up in there? John Oliver says,
“Well, here’s the thing: there is no proof that he did that. If you think about it, it’s ridiculous. Have you ever held one of those things? There’s no way it was possible. But, if the president went on TV and told you it was true, you’d go, ‘I knew it! Thank you! I knew it! Finally, someone said it!’ But that loop gets much more dangerous when you’re not talking about something as silly as gerbils. Trump validated his supporters’ beliefs about voter fraud, and in turn, they validated his.”
It's just crazy enough to work.