April 14, 2017

Joy Ann Reid subbed for Chris Hayes last night and advised those wealthy and powerful to look out for the food quality at the so-called "Southern White House" (yeah.)

The Miami Herald reported, "Just days before the state visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach private club, Florida restaurant inspectors found potentially dangerous raw fish and cited the club for storing food in two broken down coolers.

Inspectors found 13 violations at the fancy club’s kitchen, according to recently published reports — a record for an institution that charges $200,000 in initiation fees. Three of the violations were deemed “high priority,” meaning that they could allow the presence of illness-causing bacteria on plates served in the dining room.

And Wapo adds:

“Trump, a reluctant hand-shaker who has been known to chew out double-dippers at parties, told CNN that the fast-food chains’ cleanliness is part of their appeal, ‘One bad hamburger, and you can destroy McDonald’s,’ said Trump, ever the businessman with an eye on the bottom line.”

These kind of inspections are pretty common, everything at Mar A Lago was fixed that day and did not result in any complaints of food-borne illnesses from dining guests.

"And the chocolate cake was amazing, believe me."

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