One afternoon.
Michael Bloomberg organized "more than 100 businesses, nearly three dozen mayors, more than 80 university presidents and three Democratic governors." In one afternoon. It's called "The Art of the Deal" Donald and they dealt you OUT.
That liberal hippie envrio-Left rag The Wall Street Journal reports:
A group of U.S. governors, mayors, business leaders and academic institutions plan to submit an independent pledge to the United Nations promising to help meet the U.S.’s emissions reduction targets under the Paris climate accord, in a response to President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the country out of the 195-nation agreement.
The group is being organized and largely funded by former New York City mayor and billionaire philanthropist Michael Bloomberg, who also serves as a U.N. envoy on climate issues, according to a person familiar with the effort.
The group is negotiating with the U.N. to have its own National Determined Contribution or “NDC”—the individually agreed-upon emissions reduction for each participating nation under the 2015 Paris accord—accepted alongside those of the other countries, the person said.
And unlike Donald Trump, Bloomberg didn't write a check his charitable foundation won't cash. Bloomberg's Foundation is making up for the US government contribution to the Paris agreement to the tune of $15 Million.
“We’re going to do everything America would have done if it had stayed committed." said the former NYC Mayor.
And let's face it. This was a stupid announcement whose sole purpose was rousing the base by making liberals mad. Because that's all they've got.
One former official "described the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw as a 'vacuous political melodrama,' [and] said the American government was required to continue reporting its emissions to the United Nations because a formal withdrawal would not take place for several years."
Bloomberg's group of sane governors etc. doesn't have a name yet. I suggest the "Truck-u-Fump, you little, little man" organization.