Saturday Night Live took a shot at White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and at cable news for putting her ilk on the air in the first place during a segment where she was morphed into the terrifying clown Pennywise from Stephen King's "It."
Last winter, when Kellyanne Conway was more of a staple on cable news, Saturday Night Live chameleon Kate McKinnon made a meal out of portraying the White House spokesperson as a desperate-for-attention stalker straight out of Fatal Attraction. Several months later, she has an even more insidious alter-ego as McKinnon somehow manages to appear as both Conway, Pennywise from the summer blockbuster It, and Hillary Clinton all from the shadowy recesses of a sewer. McKinnon’s impression of Bill Skarsgård is uncanny and she even nails Pennywise’s instantly iconic dance moves.
“I’ll give you a crazy quote,” Conway promises Alex Moffat’s Anderson Cooper if he puts her back on air. A floating red balloon and Cecily Strong as Rachel Maddow promising Cooper “you’ll float too” completes the It homage.