When you're a guy who hasn't had to work for your own money ever, you should save the socialism lessons for someone who cares.
October 31, 2017

(UPDATE: Don Jr. wasn't happy about the response his tweet received. Check out his response)

It seems like this comes from Sean Hannity or some other Fox News jerk, but whoever it is, here's what Donald J. Trump, Jr., Firstborn Son and Heir to the Donald J. Trump fortune, which was originally the Fred Trump fortune, had to say on Twitter earlier:

Yeah, it was dickish. And reaction came swiftly, with lots of lessons.

I didn't feel like teaching him anything. I just wanted to let him know he won an award.

Others, however, were kinder than I.

This person wins the empathy award, something Junior has none of.

There were more replies like this one, though.

And I really liked this one:

This one is apropos:

Red Painter:

Jamie nailed it:

As did Jon Perr:

But here is the true spirit of Halloween!

Finally, someone reminds Junior about what sharing really is about:

Donald Junior is his father's Id. He speaks the things Don Senior screams at the television while watching Fox News. He is his mouthpiece.

I'm really gonna enjoy that perp walk when Mueller connects all the dots between Papadopoulis and the treasonous meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary.

But poor Chloe.

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