Watch what happened when the usually mild-mannered Democrat, Simon Rosenberg, had enough of being badgered by "dynamic scoring" fan Fox News anchor Melissa Francis.
November 9, 2017

Watch what happened when the usually mild-mannered Democrat, Simon Rosenberg, had enough of being badgered and belittled by Fox News anchor Melissa Francis.

If you’re a regular Fox watcher, chances are you’ve seen Rosenberg unflappably debating conservatives on Fox. So it’s all the more remarkable that supposedly objective Francis was so rude and obnoxious that Rosenberg declared, right before ripping off his mic at the end, that he would never come back on her show again.

The subject of the discussion was the extra pressure Republicans must now be feeling to get tax cuts done after yesterday’s electoral losses for the GOP.

Republican guest David Avella began with a set of pat, media-savvy talking points: "Any Republican who sits in a district with more than two traffic lights has to figure out how they get to yes on tax cuts. Because in three months, 95% of voters aren’t going to remember who the governors of New Jersey and Virginia are.”

Francis asked Rosenberg what “one thing” could be changed in the GOP proposal that would get Democratic support.

This was an obvious trap designed to peel him away from his own party. But Rosenberg wisely refused to step into it. “I don’t think that’s the issue, Melissa,” he said. He began to explain that the whole package is unacceptable.

She interrupted to scold, “No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, we’re not going to do talking points.”

Even though Avella had clearly just engaged in talking points.

Rosenberg denied the accusation, adding, “I understand what they’re proposing and I don’t think the Democrats are going to support a bill that dramatically cuts taxes for very wealthy people, drives up the deficit—“

Francis tried to interrupt but Rosenberg refused to let her.

“May I finish?” he asked. Which is always a great way to respond to such behavior on Fox.

“You’re doing talking points,” Francis said peevishly.

“It’s insulting that you say that to me, as if I don’t actually understand what I’m saying and can do my own analysis about the economy,” Rosenberg continued. That was another good strategy because no Democrat on Fox should ever allow the host to control the framing of the discussion.

“But you’re not answering the question I asked," Francis complained.

“No, I am answering the question,” Rosenberg maintained.

Later, Francis swiped at Rosenberg, identified on the show as, among other things, a former advisor to the Bill Clinton campaign, by saying that “not Simon” but “real Democrats,” might “come to the table” over “repealing the death tax.”

“Not a real Democrat,” Rosenberg mocked, rolling his eyes. Another perfect move on his part.

Avella said he thought the tax bill would never garner Democratic support. But for some reason, Francis seemed intent on demanding – and re-demanding – that Rosenberg come up with something that would bring them on board.

“If the Republicans want to come to the table and work with us on tax cuts that actually really benefit middle-class people and don’t drive up the deficit, we’re game to do it, right?” Rosenberg said. “We’ve done it before. Our party’s done it before.”

But Francis rejected Rosenberg’s analysis, saying she only accepts “dynamic,” not his “static” analysis of the effects of the tax cuts. Raw Story explains:

Static analysis is the method that the Congressional Budget Office uses to calculate projected effects of economic policies, and that makes estimates on policies strictly by the arithmetic of the proposals.

Dynamic analysis, in contrast, is a tactic favored by conservative think tanks who insist that any analysis of tax cuts must account for the purportedly explosive growth in economic activity that they will produce — even though the tax cuts enacted by Republicans last decade showed that such cuts do not automatically trigger economic booms that result in higher tax revenues than what would have been collected through higher tax rates.

Francis said, as she closed, “Simon, you and I are going to have to get a drink sometime. We can’t show up and fight like this all the time.”

Rosenberg shook his head. “Melissa, don’t worry. I’m never coming back on this show ever again, so it doesn’t matter.”

She laughed defiantly as he removed his mic.

Watch Francis reveal not just her bias but her very poor hosting skills above, from the November 8, 2017 Happening Now.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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