Even though he'll do whatever the heck he wants, Senator Mitch McConnell is not having a good day. Not at all.
He's lost a Republican seat to the Democrats, prompting an acute desire to rush through the Republican tax scam package while he still has 52 votes.
But wait! Turn the time machine back, back, back to 2010, and recall what McConnell had to say back then about Scott Brown's election to the Senate.
Back then, McConnell stated categorically that the people of Massachusetts should have their voices respected, and that no more health care votes should happen until Scott Brown was seated. He even had some Democrats nodding along with him.
Or there was that time where a conservative Supreme Court justice died in his sleep and McConnell claimed a duly elected Democratic President needed to respect the future will of the voters and wait nearly a full year until the presidential election before considering that nominee who was unanimously confirmed by the Senate to the DC Court of Appeals not all that long ago.
There again, it was all about the will of the voters.
So here we are, and the voters of Alabama spoke up, loud and clear. There should be no vote on the Republican tax scam whatsoever until Doug Jones has been sworn in and seated.
Seems simple enough, but Republicans are still having trouble with it. Apparently they're going full speed ahead with a magically reconciled tax scam bill, details to be revealed whenever Mitch feels like it.
But he should wait. It's the right thing to do. Just watch that video!
Here's another reminder.