March 21, 2018

I, Colludius (h/t Skinny D)

The WashPost reports in its lead story: “Trump did not follow specific warnings from his national security advisers [yesterday] when he congratulated … Putin on his reelection — including a section in his briefing materials in all-capital letters stating ‘DO NOT CONGRATULATE.'”

  • “Trump also chose not to heed talking points from aides instructing him to condemn the recent poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain with a powerful nerve agent,” The Post added.
  • And we know, of course that the Russian Usurper immediately congratulated Pooty and never mentioned the poisoning in the UK; Theresa May very much wanted them to stand together in denouncing the attack, and once again, Comrade Trump snubbed one of our most important allies while kissing Poot.

    Anyway, Axios tells us that the Fourth Reich is furious about the leak (the leak being that Comrade Stupid was told NOT TO CONGRATULATE) and so even though Stupid bragged about congratulating Pooty-Poot for successfully rigging the election there (hey, birds of a feather, amiright), that he was told to say nothing like a common Kenyan or sumpin’ is a bridge too far. Expect more of his bad Bogart, Cain Mutiney geometric logic to find the leaker.

    crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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