Shepard Smith was not willing to give Trump a pass for dropping the ball on the promises he made to the kids impacted by the Parkland shooting.
"It's not true. It's not factually accurate," Smith said, speaking slowly for emphasis as Sarah Sanders ran away. "There's broad-based support for raising the gun age limit."
He went on to mock Trump for bashing Congress for "being afraid of the NRA" and then turning around and meeting with them, then backing down on every proposal.
A.B. Stoddard agreed, naming off all of the policies which enjoy huge public support and approval: Closing the gun show loophole, closing the online sale loophole, banning the sale of some assault-style weapons.
"These numbers have spiked very rapidly even since the shooting in Las Vegas last year," she observed. "Really incredible momentum. The NRA had a meeting with President Trump on television when he basically rolled out his willingness on a bill of love with guns."
When Stoddard expanded on how Trump mocked Republicans in Congress for "being afraid of the NRA," Shep wrapped the whole stupid bundle of nonsense up with a bow.
"So what happens this time is what happens every time. It's what happened after Newtown, Pulse nightclub, after Las Vegas. It's what happened when Luke Widham, back in the day before there was a Columbine, when he shot up the place in Pearl, Mississippi, same thing."
"It happens every time. The NRA gets to them and that's that," he grumbled. "You didn't like it, but that's the fact of what happened."
Stoddard wrapped up by pointing out what damage this does to members of Congress working on bipartisan plans to close loopholes and other NRA-flagged items.
"I don't think Republicans will do anything unless the middle of the summer comes and they see that people are turning into single issue voters," Stoddard warned. "Right now you have single issue voters on gun rights, but not gun control."
This is exactly what President Obama said. He called for one-issue voters on this very subject back in 2015 after the Roseburg, Oregon shootings. As usual, everyone just forgot about the mayhem and went back to kowtowing to the NRA.
Are we ready to break that cycle? Because if we don't do it, the next generation will, but more people will die at the hands of these death machines while we wait.