April 5, 2018

Okay, so here’s the deal.

A woman walks to to Ted Cruz in a public place and asks him a pertinent question. And all manner of nastiness breaks loose.

It went like this:

TEXAN: I just want to read what I want to ask. I’m a woman over 50, who has seven active pre-existing conditions. I’m not counting being female, and a survivor of abuse. I purchase my individual policy on the Health Insurance Exchange. If you force me into a high-risk pool, you will either bankrupt me or kill me. I take your threats of medical aggression personally and seriously; and I can assure you, I’m not the only Texan who does. My question is: Will you pledge to submit to a DNA test, to prove that you’re human?

TED CRUZ: Well, Ma’am, thank you for that. One of the great things about our democratic system is that we can treat each other with respect and civility.

TEXAN: Is that a yes or a no?

TED CRUZ: Ma’am, if you want to engage in insults, that’s your prerogative but I’m not going to reciprocate.

TEXAN: It’s a yes-or-no question.

TED CRUZ: Thank you for being here, Ma’am.

TEXAN: It’s a yes-or-no question.

TED CRUZ: Thank you for being here.

How civil and respectful is it to sentence someone to death?

For you people from foreign states: Ted Cruz’s species of origin has become a major topic in Texas which includes, of course, teeshirts with “Is Ted Cruz Human?” printed on them. Several writers have tried their damnest to prove it one way or another. And there’s this.

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