In a fiery speech about defunding President Barack Obama's health care reform law on Thursday, Rafael Cruz, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), told a crowd that "they may take our lives," but "they cannot take our honor."
At a town hall in Wilmington, Delaware sponsored by Heritage Action, Rafael Cruz joined anti-Obamacare crusader Jim DeMint, who has launched a nine-city tour to rally Americans against the law.
"We can be complacent no more, we can be silent no more!" the Texas pastor exclaimed. "You know, we have seen our lives under attack. Our quality of life is being eroded more and more and more as our liberties are taken away. As regulations and more taxation, we are seeing our lives being destroyed."
"Our treasures, let me tell you, the Obama administration has both their hands in your pocket. They are trying to take every hard-earned dollar that you make and give it out in handouts to buy votes."
"But I'll tell you something, they can take our lives, they can take our fortunes, but they cannot take our honor!" Rafael Cruz shouted in conclusion. "They cannot take our honor! No one can take our honor!"
(h/t: The Washington Examiner)