Devin Nunes' Office Calls 911 On Protesters
Credit: Mackenzie Mays
August 14, 2018

Another one of 'Putin's Puppets' is trying out authoritarianism for size, this time calling 911 on protesters legally protesting at his constituency office, as they've done every Tuesday for over a year. Apparently Comrade Nunes sent word ('sent word' because he's never actually been seen in this office) to get the local police involved by shutting down this whole activist democracy thing that's broken out in his district. And this isn't the first time either. But this time the police responded, as protesters were pissed off louder than usual, so they shut the office down and locked the doors.

Source: The Fresno Bee

Clovis police were called and the building housing Congressman Devin Nunes’ office was locked during a rally for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security on Tuesday.

For more than a year, people have been gathering outside Nunes’ constituent services office every Tuesday, demanding an appearance from the Republican congressman, who is the chair of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee. The regular protesters say that the office is unstaffed.

On Tuesday, front office staff at the Sentinel Executive Offices called Clovis police on the protesters and kicked members of the media and the public out of the building and locked the door.

Democrat Andrew Janz, who is competing for Nunes’ congressional seat, said a building employee (who asked not to be named) would not allow him to go upstairs to Nunes’ office.

“I told her that Nunes ’office is paid for by taxpayers and is public property,” Janz said. “We pay for this office, but if we’re not even given the opportunity to go to the office to make an appointment, and are prohibited from making our way up to his office, I think that’s definitely an issue.”

Clovis Police Cpl. Max Garces said office staff have called 911 before about the rally but that it’s a gray area because Nunes’ office is next to private business offices in the same building.

Andrew Janz had this to say, via twitter.

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