September 20, 2018

The stunning impact of Christine Ford's accusation upon the Kavanaugh confirmation process is an indirect tribute to the power of the vote. Given their track record on women's rights in other areas, it's hard to believe that many Senate Republicans are so concerned about the accusation, in and of itself, that they'd be willing to risk angering Trump by rejecting or even delaying his nominee over it. What worries them is that risk of turning the Blue Wave into a Blue Tsunami if they infuriate millions of women voters by storming ahead with the confirmation in disregard of Ford's claims. That's the reason for all the sudden talk of delays and extra hearings. These men may not respect women's personal autonomy or reproductive freedom, but they fear women's votes. The vote holds real power, and we must make use of it every chance we get.

Emptywheel: A games-theory look at what Manafort's flip means for the rest of the Trumplings.

Mildred Ratched: Republicans claim they can't understand why Ford took so long to speak out. But those who have suffered abuse themselves do understand.

The Carpentariat: It's just possible that Ford has single-handedly thwarted Trump's attempt to corrupt the Supreme Court to protect himself.

Bark Bark Woof Woof: Republicans have their own bizarre version of the "culture of victimhood".

Blog round-up by Infidel753. To recommend a post, send link to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com -- I do check it!

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