Earlier today, we discovered that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had surgery to remove two cancerous nodes from her left lung. Thankfully, these were discovered far earlier than they might otherwise have been because she broke three ribs, causing scans which revealed the nodes before there were actual symptoms. Surgeons have said they got all of the cancer and they don't anticipate further treatment.
Later in the day after her surgery, she voted by phone to deny Trump's asylum ban because she is such a badass. By the way, Trump Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch were fine with such a ban. Justice Roberts broke the tie, siding with the liberal wing of the court so that people seeking better lives could still look to this country for a safe harbor. (Let that sit for a minute and see if you're not infuriated by it)
Still, the news was jarring when it first broke. The very notion of Donald Trump replacing the beloved, Notorious RBG with another right-wing rapey white man is more than anyone should have to bear. Unless, of course, you're Bill "I beat my wife" O'Reilly. Here's what BillO tweeted right after the news broke.
Hell, he was practically dancing on her grave. If he could dance. And if there was a grave, which thank God there is not.
Reaction was swift:
This was the one I most identified with:
Meanwhile, we wish Justice Ginsburg a rapid and full recovery. I believe she has no intention of leaving that seat until President Democrat is there to fill it with his or her Democratic Senate to confirm her successor.