Anti-vaxxers are literally a pox on the nation. Here, the wife of the Communications Director for the White House and former co-president of Fox News tweets something incredibly irresponsible out there, and it'll likely get received by Trump cultists just in time to make more kids sick. That these Trump people are dangerous sociopaths is not hyperbole, not Fake News. That's just what they are.
Source: Washington Post
Darla Shine, the outspoken wife of White House communications director Bill Shine, has been tweeting about childhood diseases, claiming that illnesses such as measles, mumps, and chickenpox “keep you healthy & fight cancer.” Health experts warn that the claim is not true and adds to misinformation that could cause harm.
Darla Shine, who has been known to tweet out stories with anti-vaccination claims, wrote Wednesday on Twitter that “The entire Baby Boom population alive today had the #Measles as kids."
She added: “I had the #Measles #Mumps #ChickenPox as a child and so did every kid I knew — Sadly my kids had #MMR so they will never have the life long natural immunity I have. Come breathe on me!”
Shine’s Twitter account has not been verified, but it notes that she is the wife of Bill Shine, “assistant to #POTUS.” The White House declined to comment about the tweets.
It's hard to comment on this dangerous foolishness, except to mention that this vaccine has saved thousands of lives and the current outbreaks in measles again are due to idiots like this person not getting their kids vaccinated.