Holy cow, El Paso is pissed. Trump lauded “the wall” in El Paso by saying that El Paso had been known as one of the least safe cities in America before the wall and how the wall fixed all that.
Nope. Did. Not. Happen.
Here’s you a handy chart that explains that the wall (which really isn’t a wall) was built in 2008 and crime went up after that.

Between 1993 and 2006, the number of violent crimes fell by more than 34 percent and less than 2,700 violent crimes were reported.
The border fence was authorized by Bush in 2006, but construction did not start until 2008.
From 2006 to 2011 — two years before the fence was built to two years after — the number of recorded violent crimes in El Paso increased by 17 percent.
El Paso does not deserve this crap.
Nobody deserves this crap.
Republished with permission from JuanitaJean.com