Trump's base hates and fears immigrants, but they hate and fear us demon Democrats more. (And this "emergency" is purely about getting Trump re-elected. Surprise.)
February 15, 2019

Media Matters has a supercut of Fox hosts conceding that President Trump's fight for the wall is primarily about reelection:

Fox contributor Dan Bongino explicitly said that Trump’s insistence on building a wall is about giving him a "political victory,” stating, "This is not about immigration. I think everybody at this table knows this.” Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy claimed Trump needs a wall "because he needs to start running for re-election." Fox’s Tomi Lahren argued, “When President Trump listens to his instincts on this, he is right, which is why he won the election in 2016. He will win on it again in 2020....”

The voters in Trump's base hate and fear immigrants, but they hate and fear Democrats more. We're the enemy. We're always the enemy. We were the enemy in the Bush years, when the right loved the Iraq War, torture, and Gitmo primarily because we hated them. We were in favor of going into Afghanistan, so the Bushies had to start another war, just to piss us off (not that they minded).

In the end, it's always about us: owning us, inducing our tears, keeping us out of power.

Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog

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