February 22, 2019

Trump's fake emergency is getting push back from...the Pentagon. Uh oh. Military Times reports:

The Pentagon has asked Department of Homeland Security to identify locations where border wall construction would improve the “effectiveness" of military troops deployed there, a key justification required to redirect military construction spending that would otherwise go to local base projects.

In a memo, dated Feb. 18, DoD asked DHS to identify “priorities for potential construction,” a U.S. official familiar with the memo’s contents told Military Times. Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan is asking for a priority list, as well as the data used to generate that priority list, to help him determine “what projects we support” and what could be delayed, the official said.

The Pentagon is looking at how it could spend military construction funds, or MILCON, to comply with President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency last week. Shanahan has not received a response yet from DHS, the official said.

I expect Homeland Security will answer the Pentagon sometime between "the twelfth of never" and when they find the migrant children they have lost.

It's up to Democrats to keep suing until this stupid fake emergency is buried without a headstone.

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