April 7, 2019

SNL alumni Jason Sudeikis returns to reprise his role as Joe Biden, whose consultants have specifically hired someone to teach him how to not be such a huggy, touchy-feely kind of candidate in the post-MeToo age, with middling results. Like the real guy, SNL's Uncle Joe has a hard time wrapping his head around what is an appropriate kind of touch.

It's not surprising that the SNL writers would take a break from the non-stop Trump dumpster fire to tackle Biden, who has all but officially signaled that he plans to throw his hat in the ring for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. His anticipated candidacy has caused multiple women to come forward to speak to levels of discomfort of their interactions with Biden.

It's important to point out that none of the women have accused him of sexual assault or improprieties. And Biden is as demonstrative with men as he is with women. Biden has promised to be more mindful of those interactions, but this week, joked at a speech that he had "permission" to hug and touch two male participants.

It was those jokes that made many women upset, because too many times, women don't come forward, because they're afraid that they will be dismissed or laughed at or not taken seriously. Those jokes Biden made did all that and sent the message to these women that their fears are justified.

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