July 3, 2019

(Above, John Hickenlooper distinguished himself from the pack by recounting the time he took his mother to
a porno movie.)

Politico, aka Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie Pierce!) breathlessly tells us:

“Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper’s senior team urged him last month to withdraw from the presidential race gracefully and run for Colorado’s Senate seat or pursue other opportunities, a source familiar with the situation told POLITICO.

“The source said that the campaign only has about 13,000 donors, making it almost impossible to qualify for the next round of presidential debates in the fall. The campaign also only raised just over $1 million in the second quarter — about what he raised in the first 48 hours of his candidacy — and will likely run out of money completely in about a month.“

At least five staffers have left or are leaving Hickenlooper’s struggling operation, including his campaign manager, communications director, digital director and finance director. Hickenlooper named a new campaign manager on Monday night.”

I’ve read that Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) is the most endangered Senator in 2020 (ALLEGEDLY!), so perhaps Hickenlooper should listen to his now ex-staffers’ advice, and pick a better fight than telling the rest of the 2020 Goat Rodeo that they are all socialists.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors, "Unsaddle That Goat!"

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