"So Say Good-Bye to ... uh, Hickenlooper, yeah, that's it ..." Edition.
Canada: May not be a refuge. "... our neighbors to the north aren’t without their own smirking know-nothing Conservatives with massive egos, an impressive sense of vanity, and a bare-minimum I.Q.," Jack Cluth discovers.
Blue in the Bluegrass notes the nature of work. "The Real Public Charges" are the rent-seeking parasites.
What's wrong w/ the right? It's deeper than racism. They are literally psychologically stunted. 3 Quarks Daily links to the story.
Cars are about as dangerous to Americans as guns are. Mme. Moscow Mitch would like to worsen the situation to improve profits for pigs, reports Comrade Misfit.
Poetry Corner: American Classics, revised, from MOMocrats.
Extracted & refined by M. Bouffant. Send submissions to mbru(at)crooksandliars.com.