January 8, 2020

Wisconsin will hold their April primary, unlike some other states that won't even bother. There's just one catch: only one name will appear on the ballot. And if that sounds wacked to you, welcome to the bizarro world of Republican politics where democracy is just a dirty word.

Former congressman Joe Walsh, and longshot challenger, called the move "bullshit", and it's hard to disagree with his assessment about that.

Source: WISN

MADISON, Wis. —Wisconsin Republicans and Democrats solidified Tuesday who will appear on the state's April primary ballot.

And already two Republican candidates are fuming.

Republicans decided to only list President Donald Trump's name on the April 7 primary ballot, leaving out two other Republicans running against Trump: former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld.

"I'm pissed off," Walsh told WISN 12 News while campaigning in New Hampshire. "I’m on the ballot in California and Texas but not Wisconsin. Florida, but not Wisconsin. How much sense does that make? That's a bunch of (expletive). That’s a bunch of B.S. The Wisconsin party chairman is on his knees right now kissing Donald Trump's feet."

Per state law, the Wisconsin Presidential Preference Selection Committee has the sole discretion to determine who appears on the ballot based upon candidates who are "generally advocated or recognized in the national news media throughout the United States."

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