On Thursday, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden each delivered an address to the nation on the current COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis. Both were more presidential than Trump could ever hope to be.
Here is Bernie Sanders:
I don't have his remarks as prepared to provide as a transcript, but he gave an overview of what he thought needed to be done and covered all of the main concerns we all have with regard to this virus as well as his own views about the state of health care in this country. The sound is a bit problematic, so turn yours up a bit.
Here is Joe Biden:
His campaign sent out his remarks as prepared for delivery, which I have put into a document you can download here.
Both candidates' speeches would have gone a long way toward calming the country, the markets, and the crisis, compared to Trump's ridiculous attempt to play a president on TV while having absolutely no clue what he's doing. Both candidates hammered on the limp federal response to testing, highlighting to this viewer how absolutely evil it is that Trump is sitting on testing because he's worried he'll look bad.
NPR reported this:
In the case of Alex Azar, he did go to the president in January. He did push past resistance from the president's political aides to warn the president the new coronavirus could be a major problem. There were aides around Trump - Kellyanne Conway had some skepticism at times that this was something that needed to be a presidential priority.
But at the same time, Secretary Azar has not always given the president the worst-case scenario of what could happen. My understanding is he did not push to do aggressive additional testing in recent weeks, and that's partly because more testing might have led to more cases being discovered of coronavirus outbreak, and the president had made clear - the lower the numbers on coronavirus, the better for the president, the better for his potential reelection this fall.
This is the so-called "leader" of our country right now: A man so concerned with his own sense of self that he's willing to let millions die, the economy to tank, and millions more fall ill so he can brag about his "numbers."
Like I said, either one of these two men would serve this country honorably and lead us through a crisis. Just compare their plans and responses above to Trump's and the case is made.