Trump And White House Staff At High Risk Of Coronavirus Infection
March 13, 2020

Early on Friday, news reports came out that Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, had tested positive for coronavirus.

This came shortly after Bolsonaro's communications director was confirmed to have the virus. Well, moments later, Bolsonaro put out an official Facebook post (I cannot believe I am typing the words "official Facebook post", like this is a news outlet, but hey...this is the world we live in) saying that no, he tested negative. Fake news.

“Don’t believe the fake news media!” he wrote.

Bolsonaro spent the weekend at Mar-a-lago with Donald Trump, Ivanka, Jared Kushner, Mike Pence and Rudy Giuliani. The mayor of Miami, Francis Suarez, has tested positive for coronavirus, four days after the mayor attended a Miami event with a Brazilian government official who has tested positive.

So who is telling the truth? The officials who are honestly reporting their results or those calling the media "fake news"? Wh

The media seems to not believe Bolsonaro's denial either:

Stay tuned. Eventually, the truth will come out.

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