Fox News is now turning toward mass murderer and the man who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden, to smear Joe Biden and help Trump's reelection campaign.
By controlling Fox News, Trump has a strong hold on media messaging and that's paying off for him in a big way.
Earlier today there was a new Fox News poll with very bad results for Trump so Fox News knew they had to do something to try and mitigate it.
The "news" being hyped by Fox News was actually a Washington Post story from 2012 but Trump needs help now so writer Gregg Re re-discovered it just in time to try and shift the conversation away from Trump's horrible poll numbers and to attack Joe Biden.
Check out this headline:
Usama bin Laden wanted to kill Obama so 'totally unprepared' Biden would be president, declassified docs show
Fox News might as well use the opinions of Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and the BTK killer as key political pundits who all support Donald Trump too. Why not? It won't change the polls.
Future Fox News headline, probably:
Every serial killer and mass murderer supports Trump for president in 2020
Lede: And they should know! Only Fox News opinions matter so jump on the serial killer train.
I can't even tell you how f**king ludicrous this article is at this time. In 2012 it was a piece of information, but nothing more. Today's it's Fox News' Golden Ticket to make Trump happy and give him a talking point. It reeks of racism and Islamophobia, and is intended to push every button fearful Fox viewers have in order to encourage fear and loathing.
Trump will probably blast Fox News sometime today over their new polls, but there's more. The latest poll shows that Michigan Governor Whitmer is far more popular than Trump, so they did their best to also smear her.
They reported the Fox News poll results this way: Biden tops Trump in Michigan, where Gov. Whitmer is more popular than president
However, instead of using a lead graphic of Joe Biden Trump or Governor Whitmer, Fox News chose to highlight a Tucker Carlson and Jeannine Pirro segment trashing Whitmer.
In the same Fox News poll, Biden opened up a big lead over Trump in Pennsylvania.
In both states their home governors polled much higher than Donald Trump and they all said that the Trump administration acted way too slowly to combat the coronavirus.

Hence, the Fox News team cavalierly comes to the rescue with bogus smear stories that reek of racism and lies.
It's the type of rescue only Trump's cult-like base of supporters would approve.
"Owning the libs" is more important to Fox News and their minions than protecting American citizens from phony tonics to cure the coronavirus and reasons to thwart stay-at-home orders by the states.