April 10, 2020

Tucker Carlson kept reinventing himself until he got a steady paycheck, and by God, he will cling to this one with his dying breath.

So in this segment he calls Elizabeth Warren's campaign "the most annoying on record" and ridicules her for "lecturing" America on voting by mail.

Then he attacks James Carville for saying Republicans will "literally kill people to stay in power."

And of course the professional sycophant completely skips over what just happened in Wisconsin (where we saw that Republicans will, yes, LITERALLY KILL PEOPLE by exposing voters to coronavirus to maintain a majority on the state Supreme Court) and brings on Trump's own propagandist, Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton, to spread his version of events.

Fitton, of course, says Democrats want vote by mail to make it easier to steal elections (even though the only cases where we've seen that happen were done by North Carolina Republicans). He keeps pushing his GOP lie that double entries on voter rolls are some kind of fraud (when people have simply moved to a different address) "What a nightmare," the bootlick exclaims.

And then putting on his Reasonable Tucker voice, the Swanson dinner heir says of course he believes in removing barriers to voting, "but if you care about democracy, you want to keep people's confidence that it's real. Right? And so you want to make sure non-citizens aren't voting, for example, but they want to do the opposite, which tells you everything."

Yes, Tucker, it does tell us everything -- about you, and your addiction to being the court jester whispering in Trump's ear.

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