November 24, 2020

As yet another major wave of pandemic engulfs our country, many pro-Trump Fox News pundits and hosts are attacking state government guidelines aimed at arresting the virus.

Much of their focus has been on Oregon's Governor, who is calling on tough measures to try to curb the outbreak in her state.

And as usual Republicans are revolting.

Several Republican politicians and other officials were pushing back against Democratic Gov. Kate Brown’s orders to stem the spread of the coronavirus, even as Oregon reported on Thursday the highest daily number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.

Under Brown’s order, all restaurants and bars are closed except for takeout and public places such as gyms and museums are also temporarily closed. Social gatherings are limited to no more than six people from two households, both inside and outside.

Trying to contain a pandemic that has killed well over 250,000 people with no end in sight is not a constitutional issue, but a safety measure designed to protect the health and welfare of the people.

Here's the Oregon Governor explaining her tough Thanksgiving restrictions.

“Look, all of this is irresponsible,” Brown said in response to those criticisms. “These are politicians seeking headlines, not public servants, trying to save lives. My top priority as governor is to keep Oregonians healthy and safe. That's where I'm focused.”

Last week on Fox News' Outnumbered, the right-wing panel members were convulsing over the fact that their Turkey day was being impeded by safety measures throughout the country trying to protect people from COVID and were laughing at memes even though none of them live in Oregon.

Marie Harf, the lone Democrat on the panel scolded them for laughing at death and refusing to promote safety, which they then immediately cried about.

"This is really serious," Harf said.

God forbid we laugh, God forbid we have a chuckle about a meme on the Internet," Dagen McDowell sarcastically replied.

"People aren't taking these restrictions seriously. And people are dying every single day -- it's not the time to joke," Harf replied.

On This morning's Fox and Friends, idiot Mike Huckabee flipped out about Oregon as well, claiming the governor was violating 4th Amendment rights by tamping down on Thanksgiving gathering. I guess he has no idea what the 4th Amendment means, even though he was a former governor of Arkansas.

"Frankly, I don't think governors have the power to regulate how many people come to your home for Thanksgiving dinner, that's a violation of the fourth amendment. The government can't bust in your house and say 'I want to count the chairs at your table,'" Huckabee said.

As usual the three-headed Trump puppets laughed at his remarks, but they aren't funny.

In fact they're deadly.

Missing one Thanksgiving celebration is not too much to ask, but Republicans are seizing on this as a weird "power grab" of some sort and Fox News is amplifying this insanity non-stop, in response to (or as a way to ignore) the loss of Trump's reelection.

Using COVID restrictions for their usual outrage politics is a death call to our people. COVID is now overwhelming our medical communities once again, but to Fox News personalities, the command is to refuse to stay safe over their dead turkey's bodies.

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