I guess Stuart Varney needs a different holiday than Independence Day to celebrate USA! USA! USA!
So he goes with Thanksgiving, which is yes, an American holiday. But Varney completely ignores US history and focuses on food and white grievance, of course.
Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday? That would surprise, um, THE PURITANS who founded the practice of a religious feast.
But they were also critical of King and Country, eh, Stuart? So let's make Thanksgiving all about flag-waving and Republican values?
Of course, Stuart joins the chorus of Fox News personalities making this year's celebration both a distraction from the Trump loss and a cause for grievance against cautious governors.
He did this last year, too, but without b*tching about Covid restrictions, of course.
The purpose of Stuart Varney on Fox Business is to sound like Alastair Cooke while waving the US flag and whining on behalf of privileged white people that they are the real victims forever, the end.