April 9, 2021

Silly man with the British accent. Trying to scare Jen Psaki. Hasn't he learned she is the one to fear?

Listen to this dude try to trip up the best press secretary in my lifetime.

"Isn't it a little bit dangerous to be always citing the polls, though? For all your credibility to rest with polls?" he asked.

Ooooo. Dangerous. Scaaarry.

Furthermore, it's not like all Psaki ever cites are polls, and all the administration's credibility rests with polls. But that's a different issue. Psaki isn't about to shy away from dismantling the dude's stupidity right where it is on his own terms.

"Do you not think the American people's view is important as it relates to what elected officials do on the Hill?" she asked him.

"Sure, don't polls change a lot, whereas elected officials are elected officials?" he said. Yes, elected officials are, indeed elected officials...that's a true, um, statement...and...and? Was he saying elected officials never change? Or that the changing opinions of Americans don't influence how elected officials behave? Lord, I'm so tired.

Luckily, Psaki is not tired.

"There's been pretty consistent support for infrastructure. It's an important point," she responded, shutting him down. "We feel like it's an important point when we talk about bipartisanship. We're talking about how we meet the needs of the American people. Republicans, Independents, Democrats," she insisted.

Throwing the daily Psaki bomb into his lap, she continued, "Rebuilding bridges is not a Democratic idea. Ensuring kids have access to clean water is not a Democratic idea. Broadband access probably impacts more rural areas that might be leaning more Republican than Democratic, if you look at it, the maps across the country. So, our point is, this is not a political issue. This is addressing a vital need in the country that impacts all of the American people."

She really could be doing so much more than patiently explaining to condescending male "journalists" that even Republican children deserve to have clean drinking water, but when these are the caliber of questions being asked, this is how her talents end up being utilized.

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