Monday was Columbus Day and right-wingers were crawling all over social media attacking anyone who calls out Columbus for killing thousands of native Americans.
It's almost like a scene out of The Sopranos.
Enter Senator Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz is a Cuban-American born in Canada, but like a good troll, Cruz claimed he's a "proud Italian-American."
Say, what?
I did a double-take on this because I thought it must have come from The Onion. I'd never heard Cruz mention anything Italian before, not even if he liked The Godfather or any Martin Scorsese flick.
But I digress. What f**king fool would claim they are proud Italian-Americans when their father was born in Cuba of Canary Islander descent, and their mother is three-quarters Irish, according to Wikipedia?
I guess that one-quarter Italian coming from his mother's side turned him into Tony Soprano. Maybe eating at The 2014 Olive Garden so many times has rotted out his brain.
Twitter had thoughts: