March 24, 2022

It wasn't "stop the steal."

Representative Mo Brooks joined WIAT-BIRM CBS42 Morning News earlier today and discussed his refusal to help Trump overturn the 2020 election.

On Wednesday Trump pulled back his endorsement of Brooks, which resulted in Brooks all of a sudden getting honest with the American people.

After Brooks attacked McConnell, he returned to Trump and his obsessive desires to overthrow the 2020 election and insert himself back into power

"The president has asked me to rescind the election of 2020," Brooks said.

"You said that's illegal. You can't do that."

"Well, he always brings up, ‘we got to rescind the election. We got to take Joe Biden out and put me in now.’"

“He still says that?”


"I read the law. I know the Constitution. Mr. President, you can't do that. It's unconstitutional," Brooks said.

This is more evidence that Trump illegally demanded a coup against Joe Biden from his supporters.

The J6 Select Committee needs to call Rep. Mo Brooks as a witness under oath, sooner rather than later.

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