In a sparsely attended rally for David Perdue, Trump attacked the sitting governor because he upheld the will of Georgia voters.
March 27, 2022

The Former Guy held a rally on Saturday in Georgia for his failing candidate, David Perdue, and as usual, he bashed Gov. Brian Kemp for refusing to participate in a coup for him.

Trump bragged that he'd held a huge rally that saved Brian Kemp's candidacy years ago, but that when he needed Kemp to step up and commit a crime, Kemp refused.

"And then when we needed help, he wasn't there," Trump cried.

Normally, when president asks a governor for help it's about some sort of legislation, advice, information, etc. However, if you ask a governor in a state that you lost in a presidential election to refuse to count the fair votes of the population, and instead ask him hand over all electoral college votes to you — the loser who is in denial about it — well, that's another matter altogether.

No president ever tried to steal an election like Donald Trump did, after losing by almost 8 million votes.

Trump claims that what he was asking Kemp to do was for "this country." That's a lie. It was to undermine US democracy. It was for himself, and his greedy family.

Trump said, "He wasn't there, but the bad news is he did absolutely nothing on election integrity."

Since there was no voter fraud why does any state need to put together a panel for election integrity?

It's another Republican con that many of Trump's Jim Jones followers are flocking to, because they must hate Democrats so much they are willing to burn the US Constitution for the goals of an egomaniac.

"He refused to do it! He wouldn't call a special session. Nobody can figure out!" whined Trump.

Nobody on Trump's payroll, or in MAGA'S thrall, that is.

During his rally, a few journalists pointed out that this rally was much more sparsely attended than in the past, and people even started to leave before he finished.

Trump of course, reacted like a petulant egomaniac, sending out statements declaring this was fake news.

"Massive crowd last night in Georgia even despite the cold weather, the enthusiasm was unbelievable."

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