April 15, 2022

Fox News' Ari Fleischer claimed the Democrats have become the party of the "rich" now because they want to forgive college student debt.

I mean, the chutzpah on this guy.

On last night's Ingraham Angle, the Fox News host called Bernie Sanders' idea a "student loan forgiveness scam" basing her claims on Brookings Institute study promoted by George Will.

The highest-income 40 percent of households (those with incomes above $74,000) owe almost 60 percent of the outstanding education debt and make almost three-quarters of the payments. The lowest-income 40 percent of households hold just under 20 percent of the outstanding debt and make only 10 percent of the payments. It should be no surprise that higher-income households owe more student debt than others.

$74K is not considered a high-income family. Usually, when rich people get a break, Fox News is all for it, but not if they believe any legislation helps the working class.

I don't think anybody from this planet believes Bernie Sanders is leading this cause to help the rich, do you?

Ingraham screeched, "This is so transparent what they are doing with this student debt forgiveness. It's insulting...."

Fleischer hyperventilated and folded massive student loan debt into all household expenditures.

"You know, and it’s just morally wrong. Why is it student debt? Why is — why isn’t that your car debt? Why isn’t it your home debt? Why isn't it all debt? I mean, what a burden. Nobody should have to pay any of their bills. It’s wrong to make people pay the bills that they incurred," Fleischer chimed.

He continued, "You know, what about all the rest of us who do pay our bills and do pay our debts--people have jobs, they have money, so they need to pay their bills.?"

Fox News spends a majority of their time telling the American people that inflation is killing their finances and they will all suffocate because of it.

But suddenly to make a different argument stick, Fox News guests are now claiming the economy is perfect and every American has cash to burn?

"Laura, this is just buying votes, as the Democrats always try to do, but it's also an example of how the Democrats are increasingly becoming the party of the rich," he said.

Then Fleischer ended with a comedic punchline.

"Democrats have changed their roots and their base. They are the party of the rich."

I mean, really? This is stupid even for Ari.

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