Rachel Campos-Duffy was so desperate to heap praise on Trump and trash the Biden administration that she quoted Noam Chomsky on this Saturday's Fox & Friends.
May 8, 2022

Rachel Campos-Duffy was so desperate to heap praise on Trump and trash the Biden administration that she quoted Noam Chomsky on this Saturday's Fox & Friends. Immediately following a segment with one of their correspondents reporting live from Ukraine, Campos-Duffy expressed concern over the number of weapons being sent to Ukraine, never mind that her network was constantly attacking Biden for weeks for not sending enough weapons quickly enough to suit them, followed by her forgetting all about the fact that Trump tried to extort Ukraine, with the help of Putin, into making up dirt on the Bidens to aid his campaign, and praising him as the "only one talking about peace" in Ukraine.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: There is an increasing sense of dread, not just in Ukraine, you guys. I feel a sense of dread about what's going on, and when I see those weapons, more and more and more weapons and I hear nothing about any talks about, you know, our government and other governments trying to find some sort of peaceful solution to this as it continues to escalate, and we continue to feed the escalation, I am very, very concerned.

And I'll tell you thins, the only people who have been, or the only person I know of who's been talking about peace has been Donald Trump, saying that there are ways that we can bring people to the table.

In fact, interestingly, Noam Chomsky...

HEGSETH: You can keep Noam Chomsky.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: I know, but I'm just saying, Noam Chomsky has actually given credit to Donald Trump, which is an interesting development in and of itself, because he says the same thing on his side. He said why is there no talk at all about peace and ending this? People are dying and there's going to be... I don't know.

CAIN: I saw that video.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: I'm not a fan of Noam Chomsky, but there is a need for peace and why is no one talking about that? The only conversation is weapons.

I'm wondering if Duffy will start showing up on Russian state television just like her buddy Tucker Carlson.

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