Herschel Walker Calls Trump A Liar
Credit: Screengrab
May 31, 2022

During an interview captured by Ron Filipkowski on Twitter, the Republican Georgia Senate nominee called Trump a liar.

Herschel says Trump never asked the former football player to run for the Senate seat in Georgia against Senator Raphael Warnock.

Walker said, "One thing that people don't know is Trump never asked me. And I need to tell him he never asked. I heard all over television he's going to ask Herschel to run -- Trump never came 'will you run for that Senate.' He never asked. So, I’m mad at him because he never asked. But he’s taking credit that he asked.”

You can bet the traitorous ex-president will respond in kind and claim Herschel was nothing before Trump made him.

Walker said his thoughts about running for office began when he went to his pastor.

Walker said, "Before this all started coming out about my wife and I, I went with pastor Tony Evans -- I prayed about it..."

Oh, and of course, Jesus made him do it.

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