Trump's endorsement of David Purdue ended in embarrassing fashion as the incumbent, Brian Kemp received 885,551 votes or 73.7% while Purdue finished with 261,706 votes and 21.8%.
That's a destruction, not a landslide.
But this is what the Leather-faced piss jar sent out via email.
His proof is something disgraced and fired Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson wrote on Substack:
On Primary Day in Georgia, Kemp gets 74% and Perdue gets 22%. Nobody in any election in America gets 74% of the votes. Ever. It doesn’t happen.
Obvious fraud.
Something stinks in Georgia.
The numbers are funny because many of these races were rigged.
In April, Steve Bannon was freaking out over Purdue's horrible poll numbers.
Even though every poll that came out of Georgia said that Kemp was winning big, it's always election fraud when Trump loses.