July 24, 2022

Donald Trump told teenagers at Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit in Tampa on Saturday that as President, he wanted to give himself the Congressional Medal of Honor, the government's highest and most prestigious military decoration, but "they" wouldn't let him. Trump's handlers told him that it wouldn't be appropriate, and we all know the p*ssy grabbing twice impeached one-term President is all about being appropriate. So, he said, "OK."

We're not sure why Donald thinks he deserved the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation's highest military honor awarded for heroism above and beyond the call of duty. For 3 hours, Trump did absolutely nothing while our Capitol was under attack as his mob of supporters tried to hunt down his vice-president to execute him, but sure; he is so brave.

Trump told the crowd, "As President, I wanted to give myself the Congressional Medal of Honor, but they wouldn't let me do it."

"I've always wanted that, but they wouldn't let me do it," he added. "They said that would be inappropriate. I said OK."

The crowd, of course, was not taken aback by the audacity of Trump's ego on full display for the world to see. You can hear some laughter from the audience because we all know how funny it is to see a raging narcissist talk about how he deserved to be honored with the medal that George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr, Neil Armstrong, and Rosa Parks had been awarded. Sure, they're lightweights compared to the ex-president who hid in a bunker from protesters.

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