September 6, 2022

Anything that has to do with Donald J. Trump is usually weird, but when he featured a speaker during his Saturday rally in Pennsylvania who highlighted the plight of a January 6 rioter, more was learned about this individual, and things got weirder.

The speaker was Cynthia Hughes, the leader of a support group for January 6 defendants like Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, whose case went viral after the Justice Department released photos of him sporting a distinctive "Hitler mustache," according to CNN.

During the Saturday rally, Hughes pointed to the fact that Hale-Cusanelli, whom she called her nephew, had been kept in jail since his arrest nearly two years ago as an example of what she called the broader injustice facing defendants in January 6-related cases. While true that Hale-Cusanelli was not charged with any violent crimes, the judge in his case decided he should remain in jail while he awaited trial because he posed a threat to the public and that there was a potential for an "escalation of violence" from his alleged long-held neo-Nazi beliefs.

On Monday, a CNN panel member tried to both sides the issue, comparing it to the background of President Joe Biden's speech featuring a US Marine as both being "issues with optics." Nazis and Marines? Yeah, no. Can we agree here that Hitler was a very bad guy? Is that too much to ask? I realize that CNN has taken a rightward turn, but when Francesca Chambers, a White House correspondent for USA Today, said that Biden and Trump are having optical issues, you have to wonder what kind of acid she's taking. Just say no.

Lady, there is no 'both sides' to Hitler. The end.

CNN has become unwatchable.

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