September 27, 2022

Previewing another segment right before a commercial break, Fox News host Martha McCallum made sure to smear anyone who agrees with the scientific community on global warming.

"So the heavy hand of the Green Energy Mob as some might call it," MacCallum said. “Is coming down on the former Trump appointee who runs the World Bank and the somewhat creepy connection that is now uncovered between some of these green groups and China."

Who are the 'some people,' Martha? The 'some people say' routine was Martha using her calling green energy activists 'a mob.'

This is how all climate change activists are viewed by the fossil fuel industry and their paid shills.

Last week, the president of the World Bank, David Malpass, refused to acknowledge fossil fuels are warming up the planet which has caused outrage among Green New Deal and climate change activists.

Responding from criticisms from former VP Al Gore, Malpass responded. "What we need to do is move forward with impactful projects,” he said.

Here's why it has upset so many people.

This week, Mr. Malpass’s refusal to acknowledge that the burning of fossil fuels is rapidly warming the planet exposed a debate inside and outside of the institution about whether the bank is doing enough to help nations that are now struggling with devastating floods, heat, drought and other impacts, and whether its financing of new oil and gas projects is exacerbating the problem.

MacCallum got extra bonus points for her Christmas bonus from Big Oil.

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