The NY Post Humiliates Trump, Again
Credit: Screengrab combo
November 16, 2022

Rupert Murdoch's New York Post, once at the forefront of the MAGA cult, used their front page to not only troll Trump's announcement from Mar-A-Lago, but belittle it by not even using his name -- and banishing the story to page 26.

Page 26?

A UK report from Inews, which is owned by the Daily Mail, claims that Rupert Murdoch told Trump not to run in 2024.

"News Corp sources reveal the media mogul is backing Republican Ron DeSantis – and could even get behind a ‘non-Biden’ Democrat over the former president."


Are you curious about what the NY Post article said on page 26?

"Been there, Don that," is the article title.

There was also another derogatory NY Post article today: ‘Low energy,’ ‘bruised’ Trump 2024 announcement gets panned on Twitter.

Traitor Don puts the crowd to sleep.

The NRO had a one word headline to his announcement: No.

What person was missing from this segment?

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