On Fox News' Media Buzz, frequent Fox guest Guy Benson said the results of the midterm elections show that Trump-aligned candidates did five points worse than regular Republicans.
The MAGA cultists turned their vitriol against Mitch McConnell and the RNC to blame for their putrid midterm, but the real culprits were Trump and those that blindly support him.
Howard Kurtz did a quick segment on the Republican blame game.
"Nate Cohen, he looked at the numbers and found that Republicans most associated closely with Donald Trump, sort of the MAGA, Trump blessed folks, they on average under-performed by five points, five percentage points across the country," Benson said. "That is a significant penalty, if you will, especially in close races."
"A lot of independents couldn't bring themselves to vote for certain kinds of Republicans," he said.
In response to this, Trump already started his presidential run even before the New Year, and the rest of the MAGA cult are still screaming about non-existent voter fraud and cheating.