The "Cold Enough For Ya?" Edition
Mystery Babylon: Nan's notebook on "The Christ" & mystery cults.
Yastreblyansky's been watching what former conservatives (They're "revolutionaries" now.) think of democracy: Not much.
Senator Sinema (Poseur-AZ) wants a room-temperature bottle of wa-wa on hand at all times, among other violations of Senate ethics rules. Zandar notes how this sort of thing has cratered her polling. Ha ha.
Rude Pundit: "Zelensky Challenges Us to Live Up to Our American Hype"
Here's the thing: I've been watching the United States fund bullshit fascists and totalitarians my entire fucking life.
Bonus: GOP Schadenfreude Roundup from Tom Hilton, filling in at No More Mr. Nice Blog.
M. Bouffant did this. Submissions may be suggested to