April 29, 2023

During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Donald Trump hugged Micki Larson-Olson, who drove nearly 2,000 miles to see the former President. Larson-Olson got out of prison last month after serving more than 160 days for her actions on Jan. 6. Trump called her "terrific" after they embraced at the Red Arrow Diner in Manchester.

Larson-Olson is a Q-Anon nut who believes that everyone who certified the election that Biden won should be executed. Trump's "terrific" new pal still wants former vice-president Mike Pence executed.

She spoke with NBC News:

"The punishment for treason is death, per the Constitution," Larson-Olson said. "I believe every single person, every single person that stole a voice from our collective voice of 'We the people, of the people, for the people, by the people,' deserves death, and no less than that."

Larson-Olson added that she "would like a front seat of Mike Pence being executed" and that he should be the "No. 1" person on her list of those who committed treason.

That's odd because voting to certify an election is their job. It's not treason.

Larson-Olson was introduced to Trump as a "Jan. 6er," and he signed the backpack that she said she was carrying with her that day and waived her past security so he could embrace her. "Listen, you just hang in there," Trump said, calling her a "terrific woman" and kissing her on the cheek. Trump said it was "so bad" what has been done to Jan. 6 "patriots."

"If I were to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ — not that I'm saying President Trump is Jesus Christ — but, just, you know, if I was to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ, that's what it felt like for me," Larson-Olson said. "It was so personal and intimate."

She appears to think that JFK, Jr. is still alive.

As for her time in prison, she said, "They could've shoved me in there for the rest of my life," and added that the judge sentenced her because she had no regrets for what happened on Jan. 6.

She would do it again. I remember when Adam Schiff said that Trump "will not change and you know it" during the one-term President's impeachment hearing.

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