April 3, 2023

Donald Trump landed in New York to surrender for his arrest Tuesday on criminal charges brought by Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg.

Once again, Trump described Bragg as "Soros backed," even though there is zero evidence to back that claim up. It just sounds scary to conservatives. And there is zero proof that Bragg is a racist, as Trump claims. Last week, Trump called a Black columnist a "racist" because he criticized the former President in a piece he wrote. Trump said he did it "Because I'm WHITE."

He lives in a perpetual state of victimhood. Trump jumped on his platform to lash out.

'Biden and his "people" knew all about the Radical Left, Soros backed D.A. (Bragg) going after "Trump," It wrote. "They pushed the Racist D.A., which wasn't difficult, even putting a top Democrat DOJ official (Matthew Collangelo) into Bragg's Office (who even sign's subpoenas!) to push this Witch Hunt forward. The Fake News refuses to report this, but now everyone knows. Election Interference!"

What a hot mess. Also, people doesn't need to be in quotes, and neither does Trump. And he misspelled Colangelo. And it's *signs, not sign's.

Also, things are going to get worse for you, buddy. Buckle up. The New York case is just the hors d'oeuvre for what's coming next.

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